The Model IN-2000-L2LC analyzer is based on state of the art UV absorption technology and is ideal for continuous measurement of very low concentrations of ozone in the gas phase. With its advanced electronic design combined with its unique temperature controlled UV lamp housing the Model IN-2000-L2LC delivers the most accurate and stable reading in its class that is traceable to NIST standards. The Model IN-2000-L2LC is typically used to ensure workplace safety in and around ozone installations in a wide range of very demanding industrial installations. The IN-2000-L2LC is typically installed around ozone generators, contact chambers, ozone destructs, ozone injection points and many other ozone installations to detect ozone leaks. Should the IN-2000-L2LC detect an ozone leak, with its simple yet advanced alarm system, it will interlock and shutdown automatically the ozone generator to ensure workplace safety.
IN USA, a brand of Teledyne API