TAPI CEMS Brochure.jpgContinuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS) are used to measure flue gases from stationary sources at a wide variety of regulated industrial facilities, including power plants, petroleum refineries, petrochemical plants, waste incinerators, pulp and paper producers, and many others.  The types of air pollution measured from these sources varies widely based on the type of industry and process, and many are regulated by government agencies around the world.

Teledyne API has a wide variety of CEMS gas instruments specifically designed to meet the stringent standards associated with these critical regulatory requirements.  TAPI analyzers will enable you to pass performance testing in accordance with regulatory standards such as Part 75 or Part 60 in the US as well as their international equivalents.​ 

Click here or on the CEMS brochure to the right to learn more.

  Sulfur C​ompounds Instruments
Gas Model Ranges 
Sulfur Dioxide
T100 0-50 ppb / 0-20 ppm
T100H 0-10 ppm / 0-5,000 ppm
H2S, SO2
Hydrogen Sulfide, Sulfur Dioxide
T101 0-50 ppb / 0-5 ppm
Total Reduced Sulfur, Sulfur Dioxide
T102 0-50 ppb / 0-10 ppm
Total Sulfur
T108 0-50 ppb / 0-10 ppm
  Nitrogen Compounds Instruments
Gas Model Ranges 
Nitrogen Oxide, Nitrogen Dioxide
T200 0-50 ppb / 0-20 ppm
T200M 0-1 ppm / 0-200 ppm
T200H 0-5 ppm / 0-5,000 ppm
  Carbon Compounds Instruments
Gas Model Ranges 
Carbon Monoxide
T300U 0-100 ppb / 0-100 ppm
T300 0-1 ppm / 0-1,000 ppm
T300M 0-5 ppm / 0-5,000 ppm
Carbon Dioxide
T360 0-2 ppm / 0-2,000 ppm
T360M 0-4 ppm / 0-4,000 ppm
​​​ CO2/zh-cn/O2
Carbon Dioxide/zh-cn/Oxygen​​
T802 0-100% (Paramagnetic)